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My IQ Tested
What is your IQ? Find out with our professionally developed free IQ test. Includes memory, logic, number sequencing and left brain right brain results. Completely free and no signup required.

Study in the USA
For over 40 years, Study in the USA has been dedicated to helping international students accomplish their dreams of studying in America.

London College of International Business Studies
We're accredited by some of the most prestigious, internationally-recognised institutions within the global education and business sectors.

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Kaplan Professional Education & Training
A leading provider of professional education and training in Australia offering both vocational and postgraduate qualifications.

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A leading education hub in India. Students can explore everything related to their education and career decisions.

Classroom Capers  
We specialise in proving exciting and fun teacher resources (posters, certifcates) and children's rewards (stickers, prizes) that energise and stimulate learning.

College Scholarships  
Online portal offering students financial advice, including tips on how to get college scholarships, education based grants, and student loans to help pay for their educational expenses.
This is the first and only class of its kind for engineers who would like to learn how to start and run a part time/full time consulting engineering company, while earning their PDH or CEP credit hours.

Great Little Rewards  
Providing children's rewards and prizes for tutors and schools. We provide a constantly changing and current set of rewards that keep the kids coming back for more.

How To Get Certified  
Learn what requirements are necessary for various career related certifications and find schools that can help you become certified.

Where words are defined as pictures, for leaning the exact names of objects. Different from a dictionary or from encyclopedia because the images replace the words. To learn by way of image with thematic pages, with consice and rigorous texts.

Learning Hawkes Bay  
When you choose to study in Hawke's Bay, you're choosing to learn in a place like no other. The region offers all the experiences and variety of the big cities without the stress and rush, allowing you to live life to the fullest while you learn.

Merriam Webster  
An interactive dictionary with an innovative approach. From the image to the word and its definition, the Visual Dictionary Online is an all-in-one reference.

Professional Development Ltd  
This Digital Marketing Training course is for anyone who wants to understand the key elements of building an effective digital marketing campaign.

Student relationship management (SRM) software, helps higher education institutions deliver unparalleled student service and builds robust student relationships.

We design ScholarshipsLab in a very simplest format with aim to help Post Graduate, Undergraduate, MBA and PhD students to find career opportunities by providing updated listing of fully funded and partial funded, international and local scholarships.

Spangehl Higher Education Associates  
Provides consulting, advising and direct assistance for institutions seeking to obtain or maintain accreditation. We offer the expertise necessary to ensure your policies, procedures, and practices meet and exceed standards.

Survey Systems, Inc.  
Provides OMR software, scanners, and services including form design, printing, slugging and scanning for use in data collection surveys.

The Wallace Foundation  
Aims to increase the quality of student education through dedicated research and development of teaching strategies and philosophies.

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